The afternoon saw, Martin Blixt Jacobsen introduce us to McKinsey’s 7-step problem solving framework which then set us up for the major part of the week – the business cases. After Saeed took us out to eat like Kings near the traditional royal palace on Sunday night, we arrived the next morning with an appetite for our new projects. Chantal van Driel briefed us on 2 projects and Mikkel Voigt on a 3rd before Karen finally broke the news of who would be working on each project.
The rest of the day was spent determining the exact SMART question each project team would seek to answer before again going out for more obscene amounts of food that even Erik & I couldn’t get close to finishing.
The most exciting part of our business cases came on day 3 when each group had its own external visit. My group, Team Innovation, visited a Modern Trade store (hypermarket) & Traditional Trade store (mini-mart); Team Foodservice visited cafes and restaurants; Team End2End visited the Arla production site on the other side of Riyadh. It was amazing to see the presence of the Puck brand.